Neko Friends was created as a coloring contest for our private Facebook Group, and we decided to turn it into a pin collection. This is a grab bag, meaning you will get one of the variants at random for a discounted price. Odds are as listed below.
We have several variants we decided to make because we couldn't just pick one!
LE 30: Trouble and Tribble - These Two Cats were based on a mutual friend's cats. Her son colored the OG version. Brown and White with Black Plating. 1/15 CHANCE!
LE 30: Ghoulish Gatos - Colored by my husband, and based on Frankenstein! Purple plating with Zombie Colors. 2/15 CHANCE!
LE 30: Copper Pastel - One of the winners of the contest. Copper Plating with Pastel Red and Green. 1/15 CHANCE!
LE 30: Galaxy Murder - One of the winners of the contest. Gold Plating with Rainbow Glitter and Rainbow Colors. 1/15 CHANCE!
LE 30: Lion-O and Cheetara - One of the winners of the contest. Thundercats Parody. 2/15 CHANCE!
LE 15: Beau and Ming - Based off my cats I had when I grew up. White and Black cat on Silver Plating. Set Only! 1/5 CHANCE!
LE 15: Sunny and Pumpkin - Based off a neighbor's set of cats in San Francisco - Red Plating with Orange and Calico Cat. GIVEAWAY AND GRAB BAG ONLY! 1/3 CHANCE!